Youth Feedback on The Zeeni Experience
““It was a good experience to learn out my comfort zone and with other people”
- VE, 17 years-old
“I learned how to bake something new independently, and it turned out really good!”
- ZS, 23 years-old
“This experience was very interactive and the activities were very hands on and I appreciate that. Opens people up to not only a new cuisine but a new approach to an old cuisine.”
- AB, 23, years-old
“Got so much knowledge of different flowers and nice tour of the warehouse!”
- JM, 24 years old
“I had a great time and I was challenged with the yoga.”
- PA, 24 years-old
“It was a lot more than expected. I took a lot away from this.”
- DP, 22 years-old
“My favorite part was coming out of my comfort zone and learning the basics of creating a beat.”
- JT, 24 years-old
“It was super hands on and informed us about the steps that come after brainstorming and creating”
- AB, 25 years-old”
Youth Feedback On The Zeeni Community
“This was a great experience. It was liberating being around people who share similar experiences.”
- CC, 23 years-old
“Everyone at the event was great to be around and the food was delicious”
- JA, 21 years-old
“The space and activity were great! I liked the debriefing/reflection at the end of the event and getting to know others who attended. It was valuable to hear the experience/wellness journey from everyone.”
- LA, 22 years-old
“The opening made the space welcome n it was good vibes”
- WB, 20 years-old
“I like how we get to be like a mini community”
- VZ, 17 years-old
“I met a lot of great people and learned a lot about birding” - CC, 17 years-old
“This is the 2nd workshop I attended. I love how the environment relates to the workshop.”
- JT, 24 years-old
“The community made it very enjoyable. It’s a fresh topic, that can be open to new discoveries.”
- DP, 22 years-old”
Youth Feedback on Workshop Hosts
““Heidi was really passionate about her work and the dynamic of the group went very well.”
- JA, 21 years-old
“Evan was super helpful & approachable. Connecting to new people was fun too.”
- KA, 20 years-old
“The group was great & Sarah’s enthusiasm made birding a very fun experience”
- LA, 22 years-old
“Our instructor was knowledgeable and knew everything. I learned a lot about flowering.”
- JM, 24 years-old”